How do you create tailored experiences that transform engagement?

The solution is simple: Data + Innovative Thinking + Flawless Execution

How I can help

An Outside Perspective

Authentically connecting with your audience has never been more crucial in this era of constant noise and feedback. And it’s harder than ever to get their attention.

If you’ve always done things a certain way, it can be difficult to think outside the box. Inviting in an external viewpoint brings new ideas and insights.

Without making the process overwhelming, I can offer a challenge to the status quo, uncovering blind spots and offering innovative ideas on how to understand what your audience wants and deliver a transformational experience.

My services

Proven methodology

With over 35 years in the hospitality and event business, I’ve spent my career reading the room. I know how to connect the essential elements seamlessly, ensuring a successful experience.


Whether it's a detailed survey or a series of focus groups, taking the pulse of your audience is key to creating the right target.


Go big! When you brainstorm without boundaries, you craft a smart, innovative plan that always puts the audience first.


Captivating an audience involves appealing to all their senses. Utilizing visuals, sounds, and touch presents a significant opportunity to deeply engage and inspire transformation.


Awesome ideas mean nothing without nailing the execution. It's all about having the right people in the right spots.


Featured work

audience feedback

don’t just take My word for it